Online Ordering Add-On
Give your customers the convenience of being able to place orders directly on your Connect App.
Online Ordering Add-On
Do you have a product or service that would benefit from pre-order services? K5 Connect has easy to use online ordering capabilities helping you increase sales.
Digital Storefront
Get your own one-stop shopping solution!
Don’t dilute your marketing dollars with apps and websites that send customers to competitors. With Connect, your customers can browse your digital storefront menu at any time. Connect gives you the ability to offer online ordering or delivery, and save on labor costs with automatic updates. Since over 70% of shoppers with smartphones use their devices in-store, you can’t afford to be without Connect!

Marketing Power in the Palm of your Hand
Get your affordable, custom Connect marketing app now and take your success into your own hands!
Give us a call if you are ready to get started or have questions - (541) 668-8574
If you'd like to Book a Demo to see Connect in action, click below.